To serve our community through musical training and experiences; to help our participants develop skills in music, and a love of music; to provide MNU students studying the pedagogy of music an opportunity to teach and gain real-life experience; and to provide a network of services and training that connect constituents to the University and its greater mission.
Faculty | 仪器 |
Prof. 马克阿戴尔 | 澳门赌场巴松管 |
Prof. 蒂娜越桔 | 澳门赌场小提琴,中提琴 |
Prof. 奥黛丽Herren | 澳门赌场大提琴 |
Prof. Elaine Fox | 澳门赌场的声音 |
Prof. 伊莎贝拉库里 | 澳门赌场双簧管 |
Prof. 理查德Galbreath | 澳门赌场单簧管 |
Prof. 布兰登格雷夫斯 | 鼓线,鼓组,澳门赌场打击乐器 |
Prof. 大卫聪明 | 澳门赌场吉他 |
Dr. 吉娜Hart-Kemper | 澳门赌场长笛 |
TBD | 澳门赌场萨克斯 |
Prof. 布伦特米德 | 澳门赌场长号,小号,大号 |
Prof. Nate Nall | 澳门赌场小号,爵士合奏,即兴演奏 |
Prof. 安德里亚·斯坦顿 | 澳门赌场角 |
Dr. Regina Tanujaya | 澳门赌场钢琴、键盘技能 |
2030 E. 大学的方式
奥拉西,KS 66062-1899
913-782-3750 or 800-800-8887
不歧视通知书 | HEERF/关怀法案报告 | 隐私政策 | Title IX